Review: Tea Shop – a unique setting for your dnd 5e adventures


You are holding your guide to a fully fleshed out shop, ready to be placed in any campaign. This includes NPCs that inhabit the place, a map, a menu for players to choose goodies to feast on, and a suggestion for an encounter.

I would truly appreciate it if you give this free product a chance. If you like it , please buy it again for a friend and give a little tip so I can keep paying artists for their amazing art.

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Why would you want to get this?

  • Gorgeous, cosy, unique setting
  • Lovely NPCs and tons of ‘feels’
  • Useful adventure hooks
  • It’s not a tavern! XD


This is such an adorable, cosy and feel-good setting to drop into your campaigns! The NPCs each have a little back story and, honestly, I cried reading them! So many feels! I mean, ok, I AM a totally over emotional glitterbomb but I defy anyone not to be wiping away a little tear and feeling a warm fuzzy glow inside after reading this lush little volume. It has just the right amount of info, hooks, NPCs and baddies to use a starting point for an adventure and also the potential for your party to build friendships that will have them coming back to the teashop time an again.

If I could wish for one more ingredient in this heavenly mix it would be a list of magical teas to go with the cute little (printable!) menu provided – but I just used my imagination and had fun making some up 🙂

There’s tons of replayability here – I’m going to run a Christmas version next for my kiddie group where the landlord scrooge-like character raises the rent and the PCs have to save the teashop and a friend who bought it is using it in a steampunk-setting so it’s very adaptable.

As A Player

My players adored this unique setting and really formed strong relationships with the owner and staff so we’ll definitely be coming back here time and again. It’s a fab one to use with younger players and family groups as well!


This is an adorable, feel good, family friendly setting that makes a wonderful alternative to ‘yet another tavern’ in your campaign. It’s pay what you want but WELL worth the suggested $1.00 price. If you’re looking for something warm and fuzzy that’s unique, inspiring and has tons of re-usability then I think you’ll adore this product as much as we did!

Get it Here

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