Interview with Artemis (@TaighArtemis) #Bloodborne #EldenRing #ResidentEvil #dnd

I’m delighted to have managed to lure Artemis down into my glitzy dungeon today to talk to us about their love of ttrpgs, telling jokes on twitch and hunting down monsters (Hm, maybe I’d better be careful…)

Penny: Artieeeeeeeeeee! I’m so happy to welcome you to the glitzy dungeon! Pull up a chair, leave all those sharp pointy weapons by the door and please ignore the Sinister Ducks -just give them a cherry tomato and they’ll stop trying to devour your soul 🙂

Artemis: I love what you’ve done with the place.

Penny: Why thankyou! The glitter-oozes were a gift from Danny K, and the tea table was pilfered from David’s tea room. Did you bring some cherry tomatoes or shall I grab some from the lab?

Artemis: I conveniently stopped off at the shop to grab some. I was interested to know why there wasn’t many left…

Penny: Ah, I see you are wise in the ways of Sinister Ducks – well done! Now, I’m sure lots of folks reading this have already experienced the absolute joy of watching your twitch streams, but for those who haven’t, give us a quick lil intro?

Artemis: Of course! Henlo. Hello hello. I am Artemis, I sometimes make funny comments on twitch, you can most commonly find me on Twitter, also making gushy or funny comments. Hopefully.
I really need to come up with a proper intro instead of saying hello multiple times…

Penny: I think it’s a perfectly charming way to greet people! Which games do you most love to play most and why?

Artemis: Oh jeez uh….that is a question…I’m hugely into RPG like games, mostly commonly Bloodborne and now Elden Ring! But I’ve been known to dabble in things like Resident Evil and Cyberpunk 2077…which is my guilty pleasure.

Penny: Those are all fab choices! Watching you hunt and destroy gothic plague victims is such a delight because you’re a really joyful player – it’s so easy to laugh along with you whether you’re slaying or getting slayed and your li’l interactions with the NPCs are so charming! – do you consciously aim to keep things entertaining and engaging or is that how you game naturally?

Artemis: You’re very sweet. I make a conscious effort to try and make people laugh or smile. Whether it be in real life or on a stream. I always try and leave an interaction giving the other person the gift of a moment of happiness. It brings me a lot of comfort knowing that I could’ve changed a bad day into less of a bad one.

Penny: You totally succeed in your noble mission! You are sunshine in a bottle and always super supportive and kind to others. Has streaming your games been something you’ve wanted to do for a long time, or is it something you’ve just recently decided to do?

Artemis: I’ve been wanting to do it for as long as YouTube gaming was a thing. Back a while ago I used to binge A LOT of YouTube gaming content. I used to want to do that but I noticed that I find it hard to do things without some sort of feedback. Twitch gave me the chance to be able to interact with an audience live and I haven’t looked back since

Penny: That makes sense. I think a lot of us benefit from knowing that we’re doing something useful or enjoyable for others. What have you found most challenging about getting started?

Artemis: Getting over the anxiety of talking was the hardest thing I could’ve done. I was terrified of having an audience believe it or not. All those thoughts of “am I funny enough?” Raced through my head, but once I started properly it was the greatest thing in the world. I’ll never forget that first stream. All the people who came and supported me really gave me something to drive for and now where I am…I could not have asked for better people in my life.

Penny: I think it likely that you attract wonderful people because you are a wonderful person yourself. Now, I’m sure a li’l duckie told me that you like circuses and bread – so I’m super curious to know what your favourite thing about the circus might be?

Artemis: Hahaha! Hilariously that was a suggestion from…my third stream of resident evil 4?…someone suggested I add it to my bio. I thought it was the funniest thing in the world.

Penny: It certainly is a hilariously random combo and definitely makes you stand out from the crowd! XD Have you ever made your own bread?

Artemis: I HAVE tried to make my own bread. It came off a bit doughy. But wheat are you gunna do?

Penny: (Groans… er… I mean… falls off chair laughing…) I could honestly talk about bread and circuses all day but I think the ducks are getting restless so let’s move on to your Dragon Age adventures with Lost Haven. Tell us a bit about your character there?

Artemis: Awh! So I played a rogue called Xavia. She was a scorned lover who lost all her money escaping from her homeland and ended up in the company of the party. So her entire goal was to make as much money as possible…and also to find a new lover. Which she did and got her happy romantic ending. It was only meant to be a one shot to play test the system but it turned into a two session game since combat in the first session took us FOUR. HOURS. I really enjoyed it. But I always enjoy being able to role-play and fit my character into everyone else’s ideas.

Penny: Aw, romantic endings are so so lovely! It’s so great sharing in your adventures on these different streams but you’re also a wonderfully kind, funny and supportive member of the ttrpg community – what do you love best about being a part of the ttrpg family?

Artemis: I only try my best! I just love people. The wonderfully creative and magical artists, the incredible and imaginative writers…the insane talent of the mini painters. I could write an essay. But, what I particularly love is the amount of friends I’ve made through this journey. My account only exists because I wanted to meet new people and make new friends. I can certainly say, I have some of the best people in my life now all because of the TRRPG community, I am forever thankful and will always give back as much as I can.

Penny: That’s beautiful. We’re so very lucky to have such a talented and supportive community. And for those who don’t yet know, where can we find and follow you online?

Artemis: Oh gosh uh. You can find me on most platforms under “TaighArtemis” but if you want to interact with me, Twitter is your best bet.

( @TaighArtemis )

Or twitch

( )

I’m fairly active on both.

Penny: Awesome! Thanks so much for coming to visit me in my glitzy dungeon today Arti, it’s been so much fun – and you managed to hold onto your soul! Well done you! – Farewell hugz?

Artemis: It was very nice. Apart from the shackles and the sort of uncomfortable and intimidating wooden chair. But the ambience is very sweet. This was really fun. I’d be happy to come back down!
All the hugs and love.
Your favourite mouse, Arti-Mouse.

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